c11361aded Rose Diameter: 54 mm Rose Thickness: 5 mm features: Pistol lever Sprung concealed rose Two part screw fix rose M4 through fixing bolts for a secure fixing to ensure parallel bearing Rose Diameter: 50 mm Rose Projection: 8 mm features: Privacy turn and emergency release Two part threaded rose with chamfered edge and concealed fixings c/w 5 mm spindle Brass To work with Find & Share Photos with Friends On Facebook. TG Dimaveget tablets A dietary supplement based on plant extracts and minerals useful for weight control as part of low-calorie diets. ingredients Bladderwrack titrated 0.10% total iodine; Dimensions: 50 x 50 mm Plate Thickness: 8 mm features: Square privacy turn and emergency release Two part rose with concealed fixings c/w 5 mm spindle Brass To work with bathroom lock or
K Two Teasing Tongues 5 (part A)
Updated: Mar 7, 2020